Friday, April 4, 2008

Ask the Farrier: Shoes for Jumping a Flat-Footed Horse?

In February, Elaine asked about the necessity of shoes for her flatfooted draft cross, which she intends to start jumping soon:

Farrier Arvin Reynolds answers:
When you start jumping a flat footed horse in a competitive way, especially out in the field where terrain can be rocky or otherwise unpredictable, shoes are a must to protect the soles. I would recommend full pads during show season or heavy training, for additional protection against bruising. Leather pads (as opposed to plastic) allow the hoof to breathe and reduces the potential for debilitating thrush build-up. Your farrier should inject a supportive material between the pad and the hoof to help keep dirt and debris from getting under the pad. I normally use Equipak CS.

Finally, you might consider asking your farrier to roll the toes of the shoes to facilitate break-over.

I'm not aware of any shoes marketed specifically for flat-footed horses at this time, however, the Rick Redding Roller Motion or "banana" shoe might be applicable here.

Good luck with your new horse!

Arvin Reynolds can be reached by phone at 703-895-4786 or email

photo courtesy of HorsePoint