Saturday, March 15, 2008

Tips for Simpler Springtime Shedding

The days are getting longer and everything you own is covered in statically charged horse hair. It's almost Spring!

Here's a few tips for easier grooming and shedding during these hairy times:

  • Make two passes with a long toothed rubber curry before using the shedding blade. The shedding blade will be able to get more hair if it's already loosened.
  • Consider wearing a mask to cover your nose and mouth while shedding. You are a magnet for floating horse hair and when you're less busy wiping your face and groaning, you'll more likely to groom longer!
  • When you're finished with the shedding blade, spray the whole horse down with a dry shampoo like Cowboy Magic Green Spot Remover. Then do a rub down with a rag with a heavy nap. The shampoo with help reduce the dust and dander you stirred up with all the currying and your horse will feel less itchy. If the coat still looks dull (as most do while shedding out), finish with a spray of coat shine (like Showsheen or Vetroline Shine, not on saddle area) and rub in again, then brush out with a soft dandy brush.
  • When it's warm enough, bathing can be a good shedding exercise. When the horse is lathered with soap, curry with a soft rubber mitt to loosen dead hair, then spray off with the hardest spray setting your horse can tolerate comfortably. Happy Shedding!