Thursday, February 28, 2008

Horse Training Tips - Halting for Strength

Did you know one of the easiest strengthening exercises to do is as simple as halting? When done properly, working with halts can help your horse develop the muscles to carry himself in a lighter, more balanced frame under the rider. Here's a few tips to improve the quality of your halts:

  • Minimize the Hand Aide. The more "help" you offer with the hand, the less likely the horse is to balance herself on her own. Let closing the hand be the last thing you do, and try to eliminate pulling back alltogether.

  • Don't Rush the Halt - Abruptness is the enemy to a good halt. The horse should glide into stillness, not lurch. Try encouraging the horse to take a few smaller steps before halting, and visualize the hind legs taking one more step after the front legs have stopped.

  • Make Sure Your Horse Accepts Your Legs. If you can't close your lower leg in without your horse leaping forward or tensing, you need to address this before halts can be productive. A really good halt starts with a steady closing leg (to gather the horse and keep his balance from shifting into your hand).

  • Lift Against a Leaner: If your horse leans into the bit in the halt, stay back in the saddle and lift both hands by bending your arms at the elbow while closing the leg. When she backs off the bit, immediately lower your hands. Repeat many times.

  • Repeat the mantra: Patience & Praise. Halts can take a long time to improve. Taking breaks by doing unrelated exercises in between the halting work will help ensure sure halts don't become a source of anxiety for your horse.

photo courtesy of Seven Oaks Farm

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The "Bad Horse" List

Here's a cute webpage, good for a laugh, from Haven't we all wished our horses would make such promises....

Here's few choice selections from the page:
I will not poop in my water tub.
I will not poop in my feeder!
I promise not to swish my tail while my human is cleaning my back feet. I also promise not to choose that particular time to fulfill my basic needs.
I will not totally ignore the noise of the lunge whip and do my own thing on the lunge.
I will listen to my human on the lunge rather than see what's interesting at the other end of the school.
When being ridden bareback, I won't try to see how high I can get my bucks.

To read the whole thing CLICK HERE